Commodore: Dave Maguire
Past Commodore: Ken Otte
Rear Commodore (Race): Rick Zupancic
Treasurer: Bill Morrison
Wharfinger: John McPhee and Peter Janzen
Vice Commodore(Social): Kevin Coonan
Information Officer: Harry Harris
Director at Large: Ole Hammerberg, Andrew Cull
The Commodore presides at all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors. He is also responsible for the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the club.
Past Commodore
Traditionally the Past Commodore is designated "the keeper of the light".
As a senior member of the executive this position provides valuable guidance and assistance to the rest of the Board and usually takes on numerous other responsibilities as required. One of these responsibilities is encouraging involvement through promotion of the Boom School.
Vice Commodore
The Vice Commodore acts in the absence of the Commodore. The Vice Commodore also Chairs the Social Committee, makes up the social calendar, finds volunteers to organize events, and takes on the responsibility of the social happening.
Rear Commodore
This officer is responsible for all matters pertaining to the race programs at the club. Some of the many items he will address in a season include:
- Organizing the annual race schedule.
- Reviewing the Sailing Instructions Arranging for the maintenance, installation and removal of the Race Marks.
- Obtain valid Lake Huron PHRF rating certificates from each racer.
- Perform any equipment verification as required.
- Chair Skippers meetings as required.
- Work with the Race Starter and committee boat.
- Chair any protest meetings or appoint an alternate.
- Purchase the flags for the Awards Banquet at the end of the season.
All matters relating to the slips and adjacent property are the responsibility of the Wharfinger. He is the chief contact for prospective members. This person promotes and advertises empty slips as well as issuing and managing applications. Each year allocation of slips is based upon the applications received. Maintenance and repairs to the slips and repairs to club equipment are a high priority. The Wharfinger organizes workdays where many of the members contribute to the club’s maintenance.
The Treasurer keeps full and accurate records of all receipts and disbursements of the club. All funds are deposited in the name of the Club at a financial institution. Year-end financial statements are also a critical responsibility. This person is required to report the financial position of the club at executive and general meetings or whenever requested by the Executive.
Information Officer
The Information officer attends all meetings of the board of directors and records the minutes. He co-ordinates and maintains all correspondence required to be delivered to club or Board members. This person is also required to keep an up-to-date record showing the name, address and boat ownership of each member.
***** All of the officers are required to attend and provide written and verbal reports at each general meeting.